White Primed Stair Parts – Taking the Hassle Out of Painting

If you’re planning on replacing your stairs, the thought of painting lots of shaped spindles, newel posts, hand- and baserails, with their intricate curves, can be a daunting one. And it’s not just done in one coat. If you choose pine stair parts, they’ll need knotting solution applying to the knots before priming and undercoating. Only once you have applied a sufficient amount of primer and undercoat layers, you can start with your chosen top coat. That’s why white primed stair parts are becoming increasingly popular. Half of the work is done for you in the form of a knot stopping primer and undercoat already applied, meaning all you’ve got left to do is choose your colour of top coat and you’re done. The factory applied basecoat also helps to ensure a beautiful final finish, as the quality of the sprayed-on primer is much better than what you can achieve with a brush.
We all lead busy lives and time is precious. The pre-applied primer not only saves you time as the job of applying knotting solution and primer has already been taken care of, it also saves you money as you only have to purchase your chosen colour of top coat. Removing the need of applying the primer yourself lifts the most painstaking part of painting stair parts off your shoulders. As bare wood absorbs the first coat of primer, at least two coats are needed to ensure you have achieved a sufficient layer. Taking into account the time needed for each layer to dry in between coats, pre-primed stair parts will turn a 2 to 3-day job into a job done in a matter of hours.
So, if you’re thinking of renewing your stairs and plan on painting them, pre-primed stair parts will help you complete the job much quicker, easier and ensure a beautiful finish. A full range of spindles, newels, newel caps, hand- and baserails are available - everything you need to complete your project.
If you need further advice or help with choosing or painting stair parts, please contact us for advice!